About Us

We want to provide you with an updated and accurate source of information about natural protected areas in Madagascar and their facilities to visitors.

This promotional website is part of the wildlife conservation efforts carry on by Conservation Allies in Madagascar.

Explore Wild Madagascar was born as an answer to the lack of update and easy to share information in English about the natural protected areas in Madagascar.

Our team

Rowens Cristancho

Communications and Conservation Manager

A Colombian biologist fell in love with malagasy biodiversity. Rowens is the combination of a conservation biologist, a broadcaster, and a digital marketer. He has participated in projects about tropical forest preservation, protection of threatened species, and ecotourism in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Madagascar.

Manitra Rajaonarison

Madagascar Conservation Officer 

Manitra comes from the Department of Animal Biology, Antananarivo University. He is a former research assistant at Duke Lemur Center SAVA Conservation and recently a consultant at Lemur Conservation Foundation for 4 years. He has collaborated for several years with Dr Erik Patel. Pationed by the remarkable biodiversity of his country.

How we work? 

We create alliances with partner organizations working to protect and conserve biodiversity within natural protected areas in Madagascar. They provide us with information directly from the field and we promote the areas on our website and social media at no cost for the conservation organizations.

Meet some of our partners

Lemur conservation foundation
planet madagascar

See you soon in a protected area in Madagascar

maki, curious, halfaap